How to Pray – Fr. Michael Shea, C.M.

If you find it difficult to pray, you might simply imagine God speaking to you. His words might sound something like this:

You don’t have to be clever to please me; all you have to do is want to love me. Just speak to me as you would to anyone of whom you are very fond.

Are there people you want to pray for? Tell me their names, and ask as much as you like. Trust me to do what I know best.

Is there anything you want for your soul? Tell me if you feel guilty about anything. I will forgive you, but you have to accept my forgiveness.

Tell me about your self–centeredness, and your laziness. I love you in spite of your faults. Do not hesitate to ask me for blessings for mind and body. I can give everything you need for a happier, holier life.

Are you afraid of anything? Trust yourself to me. I am here. I see everything. I will never leave you.

Have you any joys to share with me? What has happened recently to cheer and comfort you?

Are temptations bearing heavily upon you? Yielding to them always disturbs the peace of your soul. Ask me, and I will help you to overcome them.

Well, go along now. Come back to me soon. Tomorrow I shall have more blessings for you.

This was presented by Fr. Michael Shea, C.M. the Associate Director of The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal during our 2014 retreat. Fr. invites everyone to visit the Miraculous Medal Shrine at 500 E. Chelton Avenue in Philadelphia and to visit the association’s website to learn more about the Miraculous Medal.

Visit: The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal website at

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