A Special Note About Our Retreat Schedule
Men, over the last few years we have been working with Malvern to improve the weekend retreat schedule. The goal of this effort has been to improve the retreat experience by providing more time for personal reflection, and to relocate certain activities for better liturgical synergy, and convenience. Note that much care has been given to proceed in a conservative manner so as to minimize the impact to the long standing traditions and faith rituals that have endured for over a century at Malvern. All proposed changes are carefully considered and tested before full implementation is considered. In recent years you may have heard our leadership team make reference to “Pilot Groups”. The pilot group initiative was established by the Six Three Group Retreat Committee and has provided a testing ground for new approaches to delivering an enhanced retreat experience at Malvern. We are proud of the results as our post retreat reviews indicate that the process has been successful at improving the retreat experience year after year. We encourage your continued input so that your preferences are considered when modifications are presented for consideration. Below you will find a link to the improved 2017 Pilot Group Retreat Schedule. Feel free to leave a comment on the page.
Click here to review the new schedule:
2017 Pilot Group Retreat Schedule
Finally, remember to share thee Six Three Group retreat experience with a man.